Sequence Platform

    Coming Soon

    • The cloud-native Sequence Platform comprises 2 modules - Cosec Module and Accounting Module. It is fully secured by AWS technology, having security and data protection considerations built in at every turn of its sub-systems and every end point.
    • The Cosec Module, powered by the expertise of a team of lawyers, has automated all 83 corporate secretarial Workflows all the way from Onboarding to filings in the ACRA BizFile portal. It has integrated with World-Check, Onfido, and ComplyAdvantage to provide stakeholder verification, database scanning to identify blacklisted or at-risk entities or the stakeholders thereof, and continuous transactions monitoring to flag suspicious activities.
    • The Accounting Module uses our inhouse solution Sequence Intelligence to generate realtime financial statements of your business entity, which is updated immediately after any ASDI (Accounting Source Document & Information) is put into the system. The Accounting Module is also fully integrated with IRAS, reducing the time to complete tax filings from hours to seconds.